26 February 2012

Not allowed home :-(

Unfortunately Paige's temperature has remained above 38C and she was not allowed home today.

Russell called home at 9.45am and told me that she was quite unhappy, so Sam and I headed down to cheer her up. She was quite pleased to see us and she did manage some smiles but she soon got tired and a bit grumpy once her temperature started to rise again. Her CRP is back down to 6 but given that she still has a temp the protocol is that another anti biotic be added and new blood cultures are to be done. The blood cultures taken on Friday morning were all negative. As I left the hospital Louise was conferring with the Consultant hematologist at the Piam Brown ward to confirm the next course of action. I think that they are genuinely stumped by her temperatures and want to do right by her.
So I suspect that Chemo and Lumbar Puncture will not be on the cards for her next Tuesday but rather a couple more days at the hospital. She has to keep her temperature below 37.5C for a minimum of 48 hours to be discharged.
So an early entry today because I have to head back to the hospital tonight so that Russell can go to work tomorrow.

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