My little sweetie woke up at her usual 4.00am and wasn't too pleased when I offered her water! On the days that she has a Lumbar Puncture she has a general anesthetic, so that means last formula by 2.30am and last water by 6.30am. She was really grizzly so by 4.22am I gave in. Of course this meant that she could not have her procedure till 10.30am.
Anyway we woke up late i.e 7.00am, (we should have left home at 7.30am) but we all sat on the bed and opened presents, it is her birthday after all :-). She wore a beautiful red dress, a gift from her new Aunty Laura - thank you.

When we arrived on the ward her nurse Barbara sang Happy Birthday to her while her observations were being done. Later when she went into the treatment room everyone stopped and wished her a happy birthday, I believe they sang to her as well, but I tend to be a bit distressed when she's having her anesthetic so I can't be sure. I must say everyone on the ward made her morning very special, there was a gift and card signed by all the staff on the ward and she got presents, cards and well wishes from everyone that she came into contact with on the ward -
Thank you to everyone at the Piam Brown ward you certainly made what could have been a very difficult day very warm and precious for both Paige and I. I now have renewed faith in humanity. I know that Paige loved all the attention and gifts from the broad smile that it all evoked on her face. Almost forgot,
Paige's neutrophils are back up to 0.7 today so will continue with her block of 4 doses of Cytarabine this week, starting tomorrow at home, along with anti-sickness given via her line, since my little Miss has decided that she's having a break from her meds for now :-)
We came home to more presents and cards and we had a small celebration (below), then Paige tired from the day had a quick bath and was in her cot and asleep by 7.00pm. She's such a strong, brave little girl, what a 1st birthday for her.
Happy birthday Paige!!!!!
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